Set Up in Easy Steps
  1. Take the Magic Video Box (MVB) out of the case.
  2. Take locator tray, riser and rods out.
  3. Attach riser between tripod plate and camera base and attach rods.
  4. Re-attach tripod plate to tripod and slide locator tray on to rods.
  5. Place MVB on locator tray with logo on top pointing towards the talent. This is the Teleprompter mode.
  6. Place MVB on locator tray with logo on top pointing towards the talent. This is the Teleprompter mode.
  7. For Interview mode, turn the MVB on either the left or right side (depending on where the interviewer is sitting) – to expose the false bottom. The talent and the interviewer will see each other’s reflections.
  8. Attach the hood to the back of the Magic Video Box using the velcro. Ensure there is no light coming through. Now the talent and the interviewer can see each other very clearly.
  9. Attach the divider to the box using the adjustable pole.
  10. Start Filming
The video gives more step by step instructions
Setting up is easy
  • Whether you are buying or renting the MVB, the team is here to support you. Just follow the step by step guide or watch the video to get started. The MVB is compatible with professional tripods and cameras.

Everything is in the case

  • Magic Video Box with mirror

  • Rods and risers

  • Flag divider

Versatile and compact
  • Works in indoor and outdoor settings

  • Changes quickly from interview to teleprompter mode

  • Everything fits in the case